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Adylene Lopez

Adylene Lopez
Academic Advisor
Computer Science Engineering Tech, Civil Aerospace Engineering Geology Information and Communication Technology Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering

Contact Info
(575) 646-7414
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My name is Adylene Lopez, I am originally from Columbus NM, and I am a first generational college graduate. I decided to major in Kinesiology as an undergraduate, as I felt pulled towards helping people through a health profession. Throughout my years in NMSU I had the opportunity to work through different positions within the university in where I was able to help students with the challenges that are often faced as a college student. I realized that helping was indeed one of my passions, and that I was able to contribute to the world through other mediums as well.



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Why did you decide to become an Academic Advisor?

While the story of why I decided to become an academic advisor is quite long, the truth is that I truly enjoy helping students through their college journey, and I find joy in seeing them accomplish their goals and dreams. 


Did you face any challenges while in college?

I myself faced many challenges as a student, and I was lucky to have had mentors and wonderful people in NMSU that guided me and helped me through those challenges. I hope that I can now contribute to the student population as an Academic Advisor, and through my previous experiences as a student.