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Cinthia Calderon

Cinthia Calderon
Academic Advisor
Microbiology Conservation Ecology Animal Science Range Science Agricultural Biology Biology

Contact Info
(575) 646-7220
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Cinthia Calderon is an Academic Advisor who promotes the university's mission to serve a diverse population by guiding all students throughout their academic careers and seeing all of them graduate. Cinthia has worked with all types of students for more than 14 years. Cinthia's goal is to see every student succeed and graduate. She enjoys gardening and a good cup of coffee.


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Why did you become an academic advisor?

The path from start to finish in achieving a degree can be daunting and a bit convoluted at times.  As an academic advisor it is my responsibility and pleasure to help students navigate through college so they can earn their undergraduate degree.

Why/how did you decide what you wanted to major in in college?

My boss at the time told me that I should change my major because computer systems are very hard. I wanted to prove her wrong so I stayed with the major not knowing exactly what to expect.


Did you face any challenges while in college?

I had to work full time while attending college with no family support. I knew I had to persevere so I didn't quit, I worked hard and made no excuses.