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Milen Bartnick

Milen Bartnick
Academic Advisor
Electrical Engineering Engineering Tech, Electronics and Computers Engineering Tech, Information Computer Science Aerospace Engineering Engineering Tech, Mechanical Mechanical Engineering

Contact Info
(575) 646-6230
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Milen was born in New Mexico and grew up in Gallup, New Mexico. After graduating from high school, and deciding to attend NMSU to major in Journalism and Mass Communication, he moved to Las Cruces. “My freshman year was an interesting year, but it laid the foundation for my life,” Milen remembers. “So many important things happen during college, and many of these opportunities allow us to grow and change into who we need to be.” Upon graduation and receiving his degree with honors, he worked to find his passion. “So much happens in life and you try different things. For me, everything came together when I found my calling helping students graduate and be successful.”


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Why/how did you decide what you wanted to major in in college?

I used to watch several investigative journalists on local news and felt they made a huge difference in our communities through the work that they did. I wanted to help and empower others.


Why did you decide to become an Academic Advisor?

My life experiences and past work had pointed me to a role that helps and empowers others. It is incredibly rewarding to be able to help students and see them succeed with their journeys.