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Chelsea Alcantara

Chelsea Alcantara
Academic Advisor

Contact Info
(575) 646-2941
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I am originally from El Paso, but I consider Las Cruces, NM, my true home. I'm a first-generation college graduate, earning a bachelor's in Psychology with a minor in Counseling Education Psychology. Although I once worked as an engineering tech in Albuquerque, I discovered my true passion lies in helping people, wherever I may be. Proud to be an NMSU alumni, I'm thrilled to work where it all began. I'm an avid lover of dogs, cats, and a huge Harry Potter fan! As Harry Potter says “working hard is important but there is something that matters even more: Believing in yourself.”.


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Why did you decide to become an Academic Advisor?

Working at NMSU has always been a dream of mine, but more importantly, I've always wanted to help students. I aspire to guide them through their journey here at the university. I once believed I couldn't earn a bachelor's degree until I met my Academic Advisor, who encouraged me to strive for more. She believed in me when no one else did, offering feedback and advice to help me progress through college. Now, I want to pay it forward to the next generation of students. I want to give back to the community that made my college experience possible, and I aim to be the advisor my students need to succeed at New Mexico State University.


Did you face any challenges while in college?

I faced many challenges while in college, I was working full time, while trying to juggle 19 credit hours. I was eager to finish school as soon as possible in order to start my career. But once life gave me realization, I realized slow and steady wins the race, the faster I tried to graduate the worse my social life and grades were. After I took a step back, I was able to pick up my grades, decrease my work load, and actually enjoy my college life. Taking things slow, I was able to enjoy the moment, and make amazing memories.