Log in to VitaNavis to take the SuperStrong Assessment Experience! Sign up using the code: nmsu-explore
New Mexico State University has teamed up with ECMC-Project Success to enhance career exploration opportunities for Aggies through the VitaNavis online platform. The platform uses the SuperStrong interest assessment to find educational and career pathways for Aggies. For each pathway, the platform links your interests to careers, salaries, career outlooks, skills, and the education you’ll need to meet your goals. Completing the SuperStrong will provide you with a foundation for planning your educational and career journey.
Check out What can I do with this major?! Offered through our partnership with Dona Ana Community College, you have access to look up potential career options, industry specific job search databases, professional organizations, as well as useful strategies to help make you stand out as a more marketable candidate.
Choosing a major is a big step toward deciding who you will become after graduation. And some students aren't quite ready to make that final decision upon entrance. That’s okay! At NMSU, you can start as an exploratory student and delve into different degree options while taking courses that will help keep you on track toward earning your bachelor’s degree.
During your first year at NMSU, you have the option to choose a meta-major to explore. Each meta-major is a broad cluster of degree programs with common academic foundations including courses such as English and math, as well as course options that facilitate the discovery of other disciplines.
You can review metamajors on the undergraduate catalog at this link: https://catalogs.nmsu.edu/nmsu/areas-interest/